dealing the cards like a meditation

Friday, August 01, 2003

This covers me: 10 of wands (reversed)
This crosses me: death
This is beneath me: 10 of cups
This is behind me: knight of pentacles (reversed)
This crowns me: empress
This is before me: 3 of pentacles
My fears: 9 of cups (reversed)
What others think: 7 of cups
My hopes: ace of wands (reversed)
The final outcome: 10 of swords

Lots of familiar cards here. They have been recurring since April. If only I had been recording them since, I might find some interesting patterns. I seem to be getting Death a lot, too. Despite knowing that Death is actually usually a good thing, the whole spread looks really ominous. The 10 of swords is a nasty looking card. Some poor bastard is face-down on the ground with ten swords protruding from his back. In the book that I'm using, the reading had to specify that this is not a card of violent death. Well. Nonetheless, it isn't a good thing. Lots of indications of material success, but it looks like, ultimately, I might not find exactly what I'm looking for. (My thoughts stray to the lyrics of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2 [lyrics][iTunes music store].) At least I won't find it anytime soon. I love the 9 of cups reversed. I fear that my wishes will not come true, and the ace of wands reversed presages that I will, once again, make a lot of false starts. I can't help but feel that I'm reading this wrong, but this spread makes me not want to take any chances today. Alas. Although, in the long run, it's probably for the best.
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